Help us to continue providing tutoring and mentoring support to local students.
Set up your donation and forget it. Give Butter will automatically process your monthly donation. You can cancel anytime.
We have a wishlist on Amazon to support the on going needs of our tutoring and mentoring programs. Shop for what you want to give.
Not a fan of electronic donations? Write a check and send it in the mail. P.O. Box 262 McCordsville, IN 46055.
Yes! Hancock County YAP is a non-profit 501c3 organization. (EIN: 93-2593290) We will send you a donation letter so that you can deduct your donations from your taxes.
Your donation will help support local students and families. Hancock County YAP will use your donation to support the training and materials for our mentor program. Your donation may also be used to support the training and materials for our tutoring programs along with administrative costs. We can’t support local families without supporters like you!
We can’t continue to support local families without supporters like you!
We are always looking for Mentors and Tutors. Join us in changing a life! Never been a tutor or mentor? No stress, we provide FREE training!
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